At JCMC Media we passionately believe that every individual is a vital part of a greater whole, meant to contribute to moving our world forward by sharing their gifts and talents through solid connections and bold action. We recognize that sharing the brilliance of who we are and the organizations we represent, through the use of our amazing creative abilities, is the foundation of meaningful connection, enriching the fabric of our interconnected lives.

We are dedicated to empowering those who know that identity & narrative hold great significance and are eager to share, authentically, with the world,

whether on a global scale or via one-on-one interaction.

Through our diverse range of custom-tailored media services and transformative coaching & consulting experiences, we collaborate with organizations and individuals who value genuine expression and awareness, to embrace and release their full creative powers while making a positive impact in our shared experience.

From crafting compelling content and comprehensive communication solutions, to navigating roadblocks to progress and conquering challenging interaction scenarios through one-on-one support, JCMC Media is your ally in shaping and amplifying your power to affect meaningful change. Let's partner in co-creating a world where every voice is empowered to recognize its own significance and experience resonance.

We are All Just Creators Manifesting Change...


My story began in a low-income, single parent household where my mother worked hard to provide for me, my brother, and cousins who came to be our siblings. I was the shy and introspective, yet expressive and caring, child in the family. These attributes, combined with my loving upbringing and life experiences, helped me develop and embrace the superpowers of sensitivity and sweetness that have been gifted to me.

I started JCMC Media, following a very enriching 20-year career with a large HR support services firm, out of a desire to share my own stories of integrating all parts of myself to experience more joy and love in my life. Yet, as I reflected on bringing those parts together, I realized my life is an amalgamation of the stories of wonderful people and organizations I've encountered along my journey.


I came to realize, if you do not continue to tell your story,

I would not be able to continue to tell mine.

This is how we create the flow of communication...Together!

My goal is to employ my wide and varied experience in personal and professional communication, along with a high degree of emotional & relational intelligence to support you and your organization in removing the blockages to meaningful progress and sharing your story, fully, honestly, and powerfully.

Let's love to create, Together!


Owner | Creative Director | Connector-In-Chief